
low light是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

low light

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n.1.【摄】低光度, 弱光

1.低光的光线,对一般数码相机来说是一个大挑战,要怎么应付微光low light)、无光(no light)、或是逆光(backlight)的环境…

3.低光源nced)、瞬间影像(Split Second)、低光源Low Light)、自然生态(Nature & Wildlife)、全景(Panoramic)、人物拍 …

4.低照度能够在不增加噪波的情况下,使视频信号的增益达到十24dB、+ 30dB。低照度(LOW LIGHT)状态下,图像信噪比严重下降, …

5.低光照 Flash 闪光 Low Light 弱光 Self-portraits made simple. 自画像作了简单。 ...

7.弱光强· 制冷选择可以降低热噪音以采集弱光强Low Light)图像 · FireWire数字接口使安装更简单,不再需要图像采集卡及笨重的电 …


1.It's very new technology -- it just came out about a year ago -- that allows you to film at extremely high speeds in low light.它在一年以前才刚刚诞生。它可以使你在暗光下以极高的速度进行拍摄。

2.The 50mm prime lens is often a photographer's favourite, perfect for portraits, product photography and low light conditions.50mm的定焦镜头总是摄影者的最爱,对于肖像、产品摄影和在弱光条件下表现完美。

3.That said, this is often one of the most beautiful months of the year, with soft, low light and warmth in the sun when you can catch it.也就是说,这常常是一年中最美好的月份之一,当你能晒到太阳的时候,享受着柔和的,光线不足的,温暖的阳光。

4.And with its advanced backside illumination sensor, it captures beautiful images even in low-light settings.并拥有先进的背面照度传感器,它捕捉,即使在弱光环境优美的图像。

5.Most fish can see in low-light conditions or dirty water, and a few can see objects over moderately long distances.大部分鱼都可以在低光条件下或在脏水里看见东西,还有一些可以看见中长距离的物体。

6.however, if it achieves the low light level, the grass production can be increased by fertilization.冠层间隙光透射水平较低时,可通过施肥来提高产量。

7.A lamp lighting system allows dimming of a compact gas discharge lamp to a low light output level without perceptible flicker.一种允许将紧凑型气体放电灯调至低光输出电平而无可察觉的闪烁的灯照明系统。

8.At the low-light shooting location, take the string out and loop it around the camera lens. Let the extra string fall to the ground.在拍摄现场,将绳子一端缠在相机镜头上,让另一端垂在地面。

9.They'll also be able to take photos in low light conditions without using flash.此外,该款相机即使在弱光条件下也无需使用闪光灯即可正常拍摄。

10.Packingham says the camera should shoot pics with "zero shutter lag, " and is capable of taking shots in low-light settings.据Packingham介绍,这款摄像头能够”0快门延迟“的拍照并且能够在光线不好的环境下拍出令人满意的照片。